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What is Bid Management and Tender Evaluation process?

What is Bid Management and Tender Evaluation process?

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Bid Management & Tender Evaluation

< What is Bid Management and Tender Evaluation process? >

An effective bid management and tender evaluation process provides a positive approach towards appointment of suitable suppliers. It builds mutually beneficial relationships. It also improves the quality of the supply chain whilst minimising costs and managing risks. It is critical for both project owner and bidders to be aware of the legalities and practical issues regarding the tendering process. We shall look at in detail both at the bid Management & Tender evaluation process.

Bid Management Process

A bid is a proposal an organisation makes to purchase the services of a vendor. Bid management is the process by which the completion of Pre-Qualification Questionnaires (PQQs) and Invitation to Tenders (ITTs) is managed. These documents are created to exclude companies and find the best bidder.  The purpose of this is to manage the people involved in the process and manage the flow of knowledge. These two things need to be in coordination with each other in order to achieve effective results. A Bid Management Process involves the following steps:

  • Research
  • Preparing the bid
  • Submitting the bid
  • Contract Award


It’s important to establish that the organisation has skills and resources to meet the demand of the contract. It’s crucial to learn about the goals and vision of the company as well. This will help structure the bid in accordance with the company.

Preparing the bid

Preparation of the bid should be done in a manner which highlights the way an organisation is able to fulfil their business plan. Its important to consider the necessary such as costs of materials, labour requirements and the time frame when preparing the bid. It’s crucial also to clarify early especially when it comes to discounts or premium services and benefits. This will give an edge over other bidders.

Submitting the bid

Government agencies usually seek a Request For Proposal (RFP) or a Request for Quote (RFQ) and utilize online portals to submit bids. Its important to make sure that the submission goes in the right place. 

Contract Award

By being aware of the timelines when the contract will be awarded, one can also make the preparations accordingly. Also, staying in communication with the agency lead or bid manager and noting any requests for changes in scope will be an added advantage. One can also provide adjustments to the contract accordingly.

Tender Evaluation Process

The evaluation of tenders is the stage in the procurement process identifies which one of the tenders meets the set requirements. They also view the most suitable on the basis of the pre-announced award criteria. This is either the lowest-priced or the most economically advantageous tender. The Tender Evaluation process usually consists of two key stages:

  • Receipt and opening of tenders
  • Evaluation of tenders

 Receipt and opening of tenders

On receiving the tenders, the contracting authority must register them. It is common practice to record the names of the tenderers as well as the exact date and time of reception of the tenders. The summary of tenders received is then annexed to the tender opening report. The opening of tenders can be public i.e. in presence of an authorised personal, or non-public where it is being recorded on a camera in presence of evaluation panel only

Evaluation of tenders

The evaluation panel then ensures that the tenders received are complete and are in compliance with all of the requirements set by the contracting authority in the tender documents. To determine the contract award, the panel will then carry out the following activities:

  • Formal compliance check
  • Technical and substantive compliance check
  • Choice of the best tender on the basis of the pre-announced award criteria: either the lowest-price criterion or the MEAT criterion
  • Recommendation for the award of the contract

With all the measures discussed above, any business will be able to master its bid management and tender evaluation process effectively. Although the processes seem complex, with some effort, the business will have an advantage in the Bidding & tendering process.


Blog – Most Common Types of Tender and Tendering Process

Bid Management & Tender Evaluation is a 3-day training course held from 24 – 26 August 2020 (Kuala Lumpur) designed to fully equip delegates with the necessary understanding, skills, tools and templates to swiftly and effectively implement world-class tendered procurement strategies and processes. Gain an understanding and leverage the relationships between commercial requirements and contractual frameworks in supplier negotiation. Ensure your organisation is able to capitalise on the many opportunities available when utilising a class leading approach to a well-structured and thought out, tender process.

Unable to make it to the course? Contact us for other available dates.


Bid Management and Tender Evaluation 24-26 Aug 2020, KL

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