Intensive Trainings
Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy for Exploration and Production
June 23 - June 26
Why Choose this Training Course
Who Should Attend
Geophysicists, geologists, and managers who are interested in an introduction or review of the theory and application of contemporary seismic stratigraphic techniques to exploration and production.
Key Learning Objectives
- Interpret seismic lines in a sequence stratigraphic context
- Implement the method of sequence stratigraphy to define play, prospects and predict play elements presence and quality in seismic data
- Apply the concept of facies, facies stacking and shoreline trajectory to define parasequences, surfaces, and systems tracts
- Evaluate the main controls on depositional sequences
- Describe the accommodation Succession Method and Sequence Stratigraphy Hierarchy
- Apply the sequence stratigraphic method in non-marine, shallow marine and deep marine environments