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Well Bore Diagnostic and Interventions

9th March 2015


Well Bore Diagnostics is the single most important intervention method to monitor the reservoir behavior, ensure optimum production levels and define the need to restore production from wells that seized production or suffer from reduced production levels as well as investigate the integrity of the pressure envelope of the well.

The Process

Well Bore Diagnostics is of importance for maximum revenue of the well to assure optimum production levels and sustained integrity envelope. Using Well Bore Diagnostics methodology and based on its results being preemptive in well maintenance, guarantee operating cost are kept low. Low Operating Cost will in turn improve Ultimate Recovery (UR) of the Reservoir.

The subsequent interventions, resulting from the outcome of the Diagnostics are carried-out by the Well Services Team. These interventions can vary from simple slickline investigations to complex Coil Interventions even including work-over hoist entries. After such intervention the well shall be restored to optimum production level and/or pressure integrity envelop restored.


Workshop Objectives:

  • Understanding the different well-completion design options/well bore configuration and its advantages and disadvantages.
  • Importance of designing for sustained well integrity
  • Integrity investigations in the well bore, wellhead and associated equipment and the causes
  • Investigate and managing threats to well integrity issues, like corrosion, solids production, water etc.
  • Technologies to investigate flow-distribution in the well with logging tools.
  • Reviewing flow impairment, its causes and potential remedies and restore the well to its optimum production.
  • Repair and reinstate loss of Well Integrity and eventually abandonment of the well.

Who should Attend

Personnel directly responsible and or involved in Well Integrity; well and completion design engineers, intervention engineers (Well Services and Service providers), Production Technologists and Production Engineers.


Endorsed By:


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