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Intensive Trainings

Procurement Certification in Combatting Risk and Fraud

Hong Kong , Hong Kong

Overview Delegates attending this workshop will understand how to reduce the risk and cost of fraud to their organisation and how to secure better value from better procurement and better contracting outcomes. Combating procurement fraud is vital. Procurement fraud costs SE Asia US$140billion each year. Nearly all organisations will have been victims of procurement fraud…

Combating Procurement Fraud (Hong Kong)

Hong Kong , Hong Kong

Overview Procurement fraud can occur at every stage of the contracting process. Organizations need to be aware of the vulnerabilities and risks associated with bribery and corruption. Regardless of the size of the organization, purchasing activities will inevitably attract a fraudster’s attention when it reaches a significant level. Coupled with the possible lack of internal…

Procurement Certification in Combating Risk and Fraud

Hong Kong , Hong Kong

Overview Regardless of the size of the organization, purchasing activities will inevitably attract a fraudster’s attention when it reaches a significant level. Coupled with the possible lack of internal control, confidential information may be leaked and fraudsters may make use of the opportunity to their benefit. Attending this course will give delegates the critical knowledge…

Implementing & Managing Successful Service Level Agreements

Hong Kong , Hong Kong

Overview A Gartner Group report on SLAs & services management states “ . . . SLAs are a powerful aid in building partnerships with customers, assuring customer input to IT planning and providing a measurement base for IS performance”. In addition, studies over the last fifteen years have found that organisations with effective services management…

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