Intensive Trainings
Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Bali
Decom Cost Training: Managing and Minimising Decommissioning & Abandonment Cost Liabilities
Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, BaliWhy Choose this Training Course Decommissioning Liabilities are clearly an unwanted burden on the Company Balance Sheet, but it should be appreciated that spending little effort on investigating their true extent carries a significant risk that actual costs will be much higher than necessary. Early investigation of likely costs allows key cost drivers to be…
Advanced Well Plug and Abandonment
Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, BaliWhy Choose this Training Course This is a 3-day classroom plug and abandonment training course. Well Abandonment is commonly the largest cost element of decommissioning and often results in significant cost overrun. However, adoption of good practices and lessons learnt from the growing portfolio of operations completed to date, have shown significant improvements in job…
Decom Cost Training: Managing and Minimising Decommissioning & Abandonment Cost Liabilities
Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, BaliWhy Choose this Training Course Decommissioning Liabilities are clearly an unwanted burden on the Company Balance Sheet, but it should be appreciated that spending little effort on investigating their true extent carries a significant risk that actual costs will be much higher than necessary. Early investigation of likely costs allows key cost drivers to be…