Featured Training Categories
Consultancy Services

Opus Kinetic is recognised as a leading provider of professional consulting services in assessing your company’s business risks. Our experience ranges from delivering small self-contained work packages to managing complex multi-disciplinary projects with many stakeholders.
Our unique approach consists of a blend of scientific and management skills, proven methodologies, up-to-date analytical tools and data and a practical outlook. Our collective expertise and experience means we provide solutions for our clients, backed by our reputation to successfully deliver and provide value-for-money services.
Our solutions are delivered by industry experts from various disciplines and industries including: Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals, Business Management, Big Data & IT, Human Resources, Banking & Finance.
In-house Solutions

Whether it is to conduct onsite individual training solutions or tailoring our current range of training programmes, we have the ability to customise the training to meet your exact company needs. Our in-house training solutions aim to meet your training objectives while ensuring that the training is delivered by industry experts who have many years of experience.