Opus Kinetic is one of the exclusive group of training providers who have been awarded the prestigious ISO 29993:2017 accreditation. It is a proof of compliance with the requirements for learning services outside formal education according to the ISO 29993:2017 standard for learning services, providing a generic frame of reference for quality learning service.
Over 20 years of industry experience
Extensive experience enable us to know how to bring quality trainings close to you
Certified Training Needs Analysis Consultants
Quality assured as we are Certified Training Needs Analysis Consultants
Led by Industry
World class solutions delivered by world class trainers
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Capt provided excellent information, knowledge sharing in becoming an effective ‘OIL’ loading master.

Clearly articulated material & presentations. Very well illustrated on number of case studies.

Informative and provides plenty of insights in the latest development in the world today.

The course was well organised and well structured. Also, the instructor is knowledgeable and friendly.

Capt provided excellent information, knowledge sharing in becoming an effective ‘OIL’ loading master.

Clearly articulated material & presentations. Very well illustrated on number of case studies.

Informative and provides plenty of insights in the latest development in the world today.

The course was well organised and well structured. Also, the instructor is knowledgeable and friendly.

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